
Abakus is a tiny calculator program. Yeah, right, yet another calculator - as
if the world needed any more of those. Well, I didn't care -
I needed one.
All the calculators out there either didn't have the functionality I needed
or were simply too bulky to run them in the background all the time. Remember,
back then, a RAM size of 1 MB was considered large...
Many of my previous projects were written in assembly language, but this
time I wanted to use
Borland's excellent Turbo C
compiler - which helped
me to learn more about C and GEM programming. The resulting code packs
all the required functionality into 9 KB:
- Binary, decimal and hexadecimal calculations
- "Natural" input, i.e. using standard mathematical
rather than reverse Polish notation
- Can send result as text to the active application
- Adds, subtracts, divides and multiplies
- Sign change, memory
- Doubles as a program and as a GEM accessory
Yes, I'm sure you could strip this down a
lot by using assembly language.
But the point was to convince myself that even when using Turbo C,
it was still possible to write reasonably small code.
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