
One of the fastest RAM disks for the Atari out there, if not the fastest. Written in collaboration with Lutz Pressler, this RAM disk evolved from simple RAM disk sample code originally published in Scheibenkleister. It is violently reset-resident, i.e. it keeps its data even if you reboot the system. Also, you can boot from it, and it's got one of the better names for a RAM disk - what more can you ask for? .-)

A version of this code was also distributed along with BetaSystems' PC emulator.

"and it's got one of the better names for a RAM disk" ... and as a matter of fact I forgot who coined that name, Claus or myself... :-). Nice work to document this "old stuff". Lutz Preßler

-- LutzPressler - 14 Mar 2008

Hi Lutz, great to hear from you! I remember I googled for you before I wrote this note, but I think back then I didn't find conclusive results. What you're up to now?


-- ClausBrod - 16 Mar 2008

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