
Cover of Scheibenkleister II Cover of Scheibenkleister

CBHD, SED, Hyperformat and some of the other tools described here once were part of my book "Scheibenkleister - Massenspeicher am Atari", published by Maxon Computer (originally called "Merlin"), which covered all the interesting details about floppy disks, hard disks, RAM disks, CD-ROMs and other mass storage devices for the Atari line. The book went through two major editions (the second edition was essentially a complete rewrite), but is now long out of print. I decided to put both CBHD and SED in a quasi-public domain status.

The book was accompanied by a floppy disk, crammed with all kinds of useful tools and source code. That disk was affectionately called the "Kleisterscheibe". If you own the book, you can click here to download Kleisterscheibe V2.33 - or check out the README file first. Note that offering this download link does not imply that the software on the disk is free of copyrights.

You can still buy the book used at a couple of places, such as:

Or you check out a public library which has the book.

One of the most rewarding things about writing this book was to learn that many years later, even PC programmers used it to write cool software such as FIPS, the famous open-source disk partitioning utility - check out the credits in its documentation and see for yourself! I can only say: Wow! I feel honored.

Oh, and best of all, the FIPS documentation was translated into a lot of languages, and I can only speculate about the difficulties at having to translate "Scheibenkleister" into, say, French or Japanese .-)

Sometimes, people still actually discuss the book, and I'm actually thinking about publishing the book on this web site. Drop me a line if you're interested.

The Scheiben Kleister book of a freind and SED helped me to analyze the diskettes of a automated coilwinding machine. Now I can use the HxC floppy emulator to store data on SD cards in stead of aging floppies. Making life a lot ieasier over here.

Hans Wessels

-- HansWessels? - 19 Oct 2010

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