Abakus Abakus is a tiny calculator program. Yeah, right, yet another calculator as if the world needed any more of those. Well, I didn't care I needed one. All ...
Articles on Atari Back in those days, I was also a frequent contributor for magazines such as "ST-Computer". So frequent, in fact, that they listed me as one of the ...
CBHD I am the original author of, among other software, CBHD, a widely known hard-disk driver for Atari ST and TT computers. CBHD was part of my book Scheibenkleister ...
Checkhd Some fellow Atari user had a faulty hard disk drive, and in an effort to help him, I wrote some diagnostic software which checked a hard disk for low-level ...
Dabbelfeature and MOVEDRV Is Dabbelfeature the first known example for nagware? History will decide :D Dabbelfeature would probably have never come to exist without ...
p.c10 {color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } Der folgende Artikel erschien in "PD-NEWS 2" (ich glaube, im Jahr 1989), einem Ableger der "ST-Computer", der sich speziell ...
Hyperformat Hyperformat was born out of a clinical condition known as sector envy . When I got my first ST, religious wars waged between Atari and Amiga owners. ...
Luftschlo One of the fastest RAM disks for the Atari out there, if not the fastest. Written in collaboration with Lutz Pressler, this RAM disk evolved from simple ...
MsxPatch Certain Yamaha samplers (such as the TX16W) used floppy disk drives to store their data. The disk format ("MSX-DOS") was almost DOS/TOS-like, but a few minor ...
Some more software that I wrote for the Atari (details and download links will follow soon): 1581, a tool to copy files from floppy disks written by the Commodore ...
PumpUp (Da Volume) PumpUp" align "right" / Hyperformat provided all the formatting parameters you'd ever want to control, ran in console (text) mode and wasn't exactly ...
SED I am also the co-author of SED, an all-purpose disk/file/memory monitor program for Atari ST and TT computers. It was written by Anton Stepper and myself, and ...
Scheibenkleister SED, Hyperformat and some of the other tools described here once were part of my book "Scheibenkleister Massenspeicher am Atari", published by Maxon ...
SlickBoot Certain SCSI disk drives are configured to send a kind of reset message ("unit attention") to the initiator (i.e. the computer) after power-on. In such ...
4 gewinnt A very strong "Connect Four" program, written in collaboration with Meinhard Ullrich. I worked with Meinhard while at university; our joint research project ...
The Atari pages So Atari is no more (at least the part which used to make computers), but their computers are still used. I still have an Atari TT at home, and switching ...
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