Just watched demos for Vaadin and Play to get first impressions.
In both cases, I liked what I saw, but of course I need to learn a lot more about those frameworks
to see when and for which kind of projects I would choose either Vaadin or Play over Spring MVC,
which I have been using professionally for a while now.
It's obvious, however, that Spring MVC and Play share a similar, web-oriented notion of the MVC pattern, while I am not sure whether MVC plays much of a role in Vaadin at all, with its focus
RIA and one-page web applications.
(In Vaadin, I guess MVC would be applied in a way similar to desktop apps.)
Bevor dieser Phishing-Versuch aus dem Spam-Ordner fliegt, muß ich ihn festhalten - diese
Email ist einfach zu putzig.
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Hier will jemand auf recht naïve Art Emailadressen sammeln, um sie für Zwecke
zu verkaufen, die vom Abseitigen zum Verabscheuungswerten reichen. Nicht weiter der Rede wert eigentlich - abgesehen davon, daß das Deutsch mal wieder so entlarvend spaßig ist, daß man sich fragen muß, wer
auf solche Email wohl antworten mag.
Die Phishing-Kampagne verwendet als Lockvogel die Begriffe "Würde" und "Haltbarkeit" (Nachhaltigkeit),
um den vermeintlichen Arbeitgeber attraktiv zu machen. In diesen unseren Zeiten des Raubritterkapitalismus
fast schon ein erfolgversprechendes Rezept, denn genau wegen dieser Begriffe blieb ich an der
Nachricht hängen. Liegt aber sicher nur an mir...
Finally, after all those years, I got around to reading "JavaScript: The Good Parts" - pretty
much from cover to cover.
All in all, a great book! However, it left me even more confused about
how JavaScript sets "
this" than I was before. Fortunately, I found the discussion at
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127429/javascript-this-keyword and the article at
http://www.digital-web.com/articles/scope_in_javascript/ which both clarified
open questions for me. But I am pretty sure I will forget JavaScript's context subtleties
fairly quickly, and then I will have to look them up again. Oh well.
Crockford's approach is to focus on a subset of JavaScript which he considers sane,
Of course there is much debate on what belongs into the subset and what doesn't.
For example, Crockford bans the
++ and
-- operators because they remind
him too much of obfuscated C++ code. I did not find this particular advice too convincing, and it
I am not alone.
To experiment with code from the book and test some code of my own, I used the
command-line JS interpreter on the Mac, and also toyed with
(On Ubuntu, I guess I could have used
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