Catching up with web frameworks (07 May 2013)

Just watched demos for Vaadin and Play to get first impressions.

In both cases, I liked what I saw, but of course I need to learn a lot more about those frameworks to see when and for which kind of projects I would choose either Vaadin or Play over Spring MVC, which I have been using professionally for a while now.

It's obvious, however, that Spring MVC and Play share a similar, web-oriented notion of the MVC pattern, while I am not sure whether MVC plays much of a role in Vaadin at all, with its focus on RIA and one-page web applications. (In Vaadin, I guess MVC would be applied in a way similar to desktop apps.)

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r1.1 - 07 May 2013 - 13:23 - ClausBrod to top

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