Phew, that was close. I just almost lost two months of notes in OneNote, but was able to recover them from
local cache files.
This is how it all started: After withstanding the constant nagging for a while, I finally gave in to those prompts to upgrade to
Office 2016 on my developer laptop. During the upgrade, OneNote 2016 warned me that it may lose those few notes which had
not been synced to the cloud yet. This is because OneNote 2016 will not use an older installation's local cache, but instead
create a new empty local cache during installation, which will then fill incrementally by downloading notes from the cloud.
I shrugged off the warning because I was quite certain I had not made any significant changes recently,
so everything should have been synced already. Of course I was totally wrong.
But after installation, OneNote 2016 would not display about two months worth of notes even though I had taken them
(in OneNote 2013) on the very system on which I performed the upgrade. It turned out that OneNote 2013 had indeed not
any of those notes to the cloud - for a period of almost two months.
The bad news is that I will probably never find out why and how synchronisation failed for such a long
time, and why I never noticed any warnings about it. I guess I will be quite paranoid about synchronisation for a while now.
But the good news is that I managed to restore my notes. OneNote 2016 had created a new and empty local cache below
, but it had
not deleted the old OneNote 2013 cache (below
), and this saved my bacon.
Others have fallen into the same or similar traps before, of course, and so there are a number of related
discussions out there on the topic, for example at A number of approaches are mentioned, such as:
- Restore OneNote sections from the
- This worked only partially because the latest backup was already several days old.
- Extract notes from the old
file in C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneNote\15.0\
by running onenote.exe /forcerepair
on it.
The approach which did work in the end was as follows:
- I installed OneNote 2013 on a separate Windows VM.
- Then I copied over the cache files from my developer laptop to the Windows VM, i.e. both the
and the OneNoteOfflineCache_Files
directory (which holds all the attachments), overwriting the default
local cache files of the OneNote 2013 installation on the VM.
- After starting OneNote 2013 on the VM, it displayed all notes just fine. Big sigh of relief.
- Syncing those notes from the VM to the cloud would not work, though. I first had to move all the notes to a new
section in the affected notebook, and then wait until all notes had been synced.
- And now, finally, the notes reappeared in my OneNote 2016 installation on my developer laptop as well.
I also could have uninstalled OneNote 2016 on my developer laptop and replaced it with the older OneNote 2013, and in fact
I tried, but the OneNote 2013 installer told me to uninstall all of Office 2016 first, from which I shied away.
Wahrscheinlich bin ich der letzte Mensch im Bundesgebiet, der seinem Macbook Pro endlich macOS Sierra gegönnt hat.
Aber wie sich herausstellt, hat sich meine Säumigkeit ausgezahlt.
Denn gleich nach der Installation stellte ich fest, dass mein USB-Ethernet-Adapter entweder nicht mehr erkannt wurde oder
aber zumindest keine Netzwerkverbindung mehr zustande brachte. In meinem Adapter steckt der Ethernet-Controller
AX88179. Unter diesem Stichwort fanden sich
schnell Diskussionen
wie die unter, und so war schnell klar, dass eine
Neuinstallation des zugehörigen Treibers fällig war. Und da ich so lange gewartet hatte, war zum Glück auch schon
eine Treiberversion vorrätig, die mein Problem schnell löste:
Ausserdem musste ich feststellen, daß
Paintbrush nicht mehr starten will.
Offenbar gibt es dazu auch keine neuere Version, und so bin ich jetzt auf der Suche nach gleichwertigem oder besseren Ersatz.
Nachtrag (1. Juni 2017): Nachdem ich heute Paintbrush testweise neu heruntergeladen habe, lief es scheinbar anstandslos, und das trotz macOS Sierra. Mindestens in diesem Punkt also Entwarnung.
Ganz frisch aus dem Kundenforum für CoCreate Modeling (aka PTC Creo Elements/Direct Modeling): Wie startet man aus CoCreate Modeling heraus programmatisch eine interaktive Instanz von cmd.exe,
also ein cmd.exe mitsamt DOS-Prompt-Fenster?
Es liegt nahe, das zunächst mit
(oli:sd-sys-exec "cmd.exe")
zu versuchen. Das führt dann aber dazu, dass CoCreate Modeling scheinbar hängt und nichts Erkennbares passiert.
cmd.exe ist ein Kommandozeilenprogramm. Deswegen ist es völlig normal, dass ("grafisch") nichts passiert, wenn man
cmd.exe als externes Programm ohne Parameter startet, zum Beispiel per
sd-sys-exec. Dann wartet
cmd.exe nämlich einfach im Hintergrund auf weitere Eingaben und tut sonst nichts.
Will man
cmd.exe in einem eigenen Terminalfenster (landläufig "DOS-Fenster" oder "command shell" oder "command prompt") starten und interaktiv laufen lassen, kann man das so erreichen:
(oli:sd-sys-exec "start cmd.exe")
(Zu den Kommandozeilenparametern und Besonderheiten des Helferleins
Bonusfrage: Wenn
ein Kommandozeilenprogramm ohne grafische Oberfläche ist, wieso öffnet sich denn ein Terminalfenster, wenn man
aus Windows Explorer heraus startet?
Antwort: Weil Explorer entsprechend vorkonfiguriert ist - intern wird in so einem Fall nicht einfach nur
ausgeführt, sondern das moralische Äquivalent zu
start cmd.exe
Bonusfrage 2: Woher weiss Windows eigentlich, wo
liegt? Muss man da nicht einen Pfad wie
Hintergrund: In der Forumsfrage wurde ein solcher hartkodierter Pfad verwendet.
Antwort: Das Verzeichnis, in dem
liegt, taucht im Inhalt der Umgebungsvariablen
auf, die Windows beim Starten von Programmen konsultiert. Damit ist die explizite Angabe eines Pfades unnötig. Mehr noch, sie ist sogar kontraproduktiv und fehlerträchtig - denn nicht auf jedem Rechner liegt das Windows-Verzeichnis unter
Bonusfrage 3: Wozu ist das eigentlich gut, so eine interaktive Instanz von
aus einer CAD-Applikation heraus zu starten?
Kopfkratzende erste Antwort: Für sachdienliche Hinweise dankbar
Zweite Antwort nach Eintreffen der angeforderten sachdienlichen Hinweise: Ziel war es offenbar letztlich, ein kleines interaktives Kommandozeilenprogramm zu starten - der Start von
war nur erster Test dafür.
Ziemlich überzeugend, finde ich: Die Pläne für einen Umstieg vom Schrägtiefbahnhofprojekt S21 zu einem modernisierten Kopfbahnhof, jetzt sehr anschaulich illustriert und erklärt unter
Die Aussicht, die wunderschöne Parkfläche im Mittleren Schlossgarten zu restaurieren; dabei einen leistungsfähigen Kopfbahnhof zurückzubekommen, der verschiedenste Verkehrsarten integriert (Fahrrad, Bus, Auto, Bahn, S-Bahn); damit eine riesige Menge erneuerbare Energie zu erzeugen; und schliesslich auch noch viele Jahre Bauzeit und Milliarden an Kosten zu sparen: Was könnte man daran nicht gut finden?
In 2009, I parted with the CoCreate Modeling development team, but I still pay the occasional visit to SolidDesigner customer forums:
First, it is heart-warming to find the product still in widespread use, and second, customer questions give me a great excuse
to dabble in Lisp again - such as the
by forum member AlexG who was working on code which essentially was an early nucleus
of a code profiler for Lisp.
Alex's original code used quite some Lisp magic, including the little-known
symbol-function which I
elaborated about long time ago. But the code did not quite work yet. I gladly took the challenge.
and ended up with a few lines of Lisp code which could profile (almost) any Lisp function in the system. The technique I used
was to wrap the original function definition in a lambda closure. That closure is then installed using
(export '(profile-function unprofile-function list-profiling-results))
(let ((profile-hashtable (make-hash-table)))
(defun profile-function(func)
"Instrument function for profiling"
(unless (get func :profile-original-symbol-function)
(let ((original-symbol-function (symbol-function func)))
(when original-symbol-function
(setf (get func :profile-original-symbol-function) original-symbol-function)
(setf (symbol-function func)
(lambda(&rest r)
(let ((start-time (f2::seconds-since-1970)))
(if r
(apply original-symbol-function r)
(funcall original-symbol-function))
(let ((execution-time (- (f2::seconds-since-1970) start-time))
(accum (gethash func profile-hashtable)))
(if accum
(setf (gethash func profile-hashtable) (+ accum execution-time))
(setf (gethash func profile-hashtable) execution-time))
(format *standard-output* "~%Execution time for ~S: ~,10F~%" func execution-time))))))
(defun unprofile-function(func)
"Remove profiling instrumentation for function"
(let ((original-symbol-function (get func :profile-original-symbol-function)))
(when (remprop func :profile-original-symbol-function)
(setf (symbol-function func) original-symbol-function))))
(defun list-profiling-results()
"List profiling results in order of decreasing accumulated execution times"
(format *standard-output* "~%Accumulated execution times:~%")
(let (table-as-list)
(maphash (lambda(k v) (push (cons k v) table-as-list)) profile-hashtable)
(dolist (pair (sort table-as-list #'> :key #'cdr))
(format *standard-output* "~S: ~,10F~%" (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
(setf si::*enter-break-handler* t)
(use-fast-links nil)
There are other profilers out there for Common Lisp, but it is not always straightforward to make them
work in CoCreate Modeling which implements a subset of CLtL1 only. So who knows, maybe someone
out there will actually find this useful!
To profile a function:
( 'my-function)
Now execute
at your heart's content. Every time the function is called, the profiler measures its execution time.
When the test session is completed, accumulated execution times can be listed as follows:
And here is how to profile all functions in a given Lisp package:
(do-external-symbols (s (find-package "FOO"))
(when (function s)
( s)))
My implementation differs almost entirely from Alex' version, which allows me to call it my own, but of course I owe thanks
to Alex for starting the discussion in the forum and posting his original inspirational code!
The code is now available as a Github project, see There is even a simple GUI
dialog on top of the low-level profiling code:
The version of the code shown above uses a SolidDesigner-specific way of getting the current time in high precision. The improved
version in the Github project should work in other Lisp dialects as well. Fingers crossed.
In 2009, I parted with the CoCreate Modeling development team, but I still pay the occasional visit to SolidDesigner customer forums:
First, it is heart-warming to find the product still in widespread use, and second, customer questions give me a great excuse
to dabble in Lisp again - such as the
by forum member AlexG who was working on code which essentially was an early nucleus
of a code profiler for Lisp.
Alex's original code used quite some Lisp magic, including the little-known
symbol-function which I
elaborated about long time ago. But the code did not quite work yet. I gladly took the challenge.
and ended up with a few lines of Lisp code which could profile (almost) any Lisp function in the system. The technique I used
was to wrap the original function definition in a lambda closure. That closure is then installed using
(export '(profile-function unprofile-function list-profiling-results))
(let ((profile-hashtable (make-hash-table)))
(defun profile-function(func)
"Instrument function for profiling"
(unless (get func :profile-original-symbol-function)
(let ((original-symbol-function (symbol-function func)))
(when original-symbol-function
(setf (get func :profile-original-symbol-function) original-symbol-function)
(setf (symbol-function func)
(lambda(&rest r)
(let ((start-time (f2::seconds-since-1970)))
(if r
(apply original-symbol-function r)
(funcall original-symbol-function))
(let ((execution-time (- (f2::seconds-since-1970) start-time))
(accum (gethash func profile-hashtable)))
(if accum
(setf (gethash func profile-hashtable) (+ accum execution-time))
(setf (gethash func profile-hashtable) execution-time))
(format *standard-output* "~%Execution time for ~S: ~,10F~%" func execution-time))))))
(defun unprofile-function(func)
"Remove profiling instrumentation for function"
(let ((original-symbol-function (get func :profile-original-symbol-function)))
(when (remprop func :profile-original-symbol-function)
(setf (symbol-function func) original-symbol-function))))
(defun list-profiling-results()
"List profiling results in order of decreasing accumulated execution times"
(format *standard-output* "~%Accumulated execution times:~%")
(let (table-as-list)
(maphash (lambda(k v) (push (cons k v) table-as-list)) profile-hashtable)
(dolist (pair (sort table-as-list #'> :key #'cdr))
(format *standard-output* "~S: ~,10F~%" (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
(setf si::*enter-break-handler* t)
(use-fast-links nil)
There are other profilers out there for Common Lisp, but it is not always straightforward to make them
work in CoCreate Modeling which implements a subset of CLtL1 only. So who knows, maybe someone
out there will actually find this useful!
To profile a function:
( 'my-function)
Now execute
at your heart's content. Every time the function is called, the profiler measures its execution time.
When the test session is completed, accumulated execution times can be listed as follows:
And here is how to profile all functions in a given Lisp package:
(do-external-symbols (s (find-package "FOO"))
(when (function s)
( s)))
My implementation differs almost entirely from Alex' version, which allows me to call it my own, but of course I owe thanks
to Alex for starting the discussion in the forum and posting his original inspirational code!
The code is now available as a Github project, see There is even a simple GUI
dialog on top of the low-level profiling code:
The version of the code shown above uses a SolidDesigner-specific way of getting the current time in high precision. The improved
version in the Github project should work in other Lisp dialects as well. Fingers crossed.
Way back in 2003, I posted an article called CoCreate Modeling alarm clock: Beep whenever a long-running command terminates. Besides reminding me of my age (sigh), the article served a useful purpose this week, as it illustrates
a technique required to solve a problem which came up in a forum discussion
the other day.
In the article, I showed how to subscribe to events in CoCreate Modeling (aka
"PTC Creo Elements/Direct Modeling") for fun and profit.
It turns out that this technique can also be applied to solve the following problem: In customization code which is loaded into CoCreate Modeling during
startup, you want to set the user's default working directory to some default value specific to your environment or team.
You'd think that this should be trivial, as the current directory can be set using the IKIT's
But when you call this function during startup (i.e. from
code in
, or in code loaded from there), you may find that other customization code or even CoCreate Modeling itself
changes the current directory after your code runs. This is because CoCreate Modeling remembers the directory which was current
before the user closed the last session. When you restart the application, it will try to "wake up" in precisely that working directory.
To override this behavior, here's a simple trick:
- In
(or, preferably, in code loaded from there), register an event handler for the SD-INTERACTIVE-EVENT
- This event will be fired when startup has completed and the application becomes interactive.
- In the event handler:
- Set the current working directory as you see fit
- Unregister from the event (we want one-shot behavior here)
And here is what event handler code like this would look like:
(in-package :de.clausbrod)
(use-package :oli)
(defun interactive-event-handler(&rest r)
(sd-set-current-working-directory (user-homedir-pathname))
(sd-unsubscribe-event *SD-INTERACTIVE-EVENT* 'interactive-event-handler))
(sd-subscribe-event *SD-INTERACTIVE-EVENT* 'interactive-event-handler)
This particular event handler sets the current working directory to the user's home directory, but this is of course just an example
for a reasonable default.
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