Common Lisp in CoCreate Modeling (20 Jun 2009)


This year's European Lisp Symposium in Milan had several slots in the programme for lightning talks - short, high-adrenaline, sometimes impromptu presentations about all things Lisp.

I loved the format because of the wide variety of topics presented. Also, this gave me the unique chance to present to this audience of hardcore Lisp geeks how we are using Common Lisp in our flagship 3D CAD product, CoCreate Modeling. Since I only had a few minutes, all I could do was skim over a few topics, but that's still better than a poke in the eye with C# big grin

Not many in the audience had heard about our project yet, so there were quite a few questions after the presentation. Over all those years, we had lost touch with the Lisp community a bit - so reconnecting to the CL matrix felt just great.


Click on the image to view the presentation. The presentation mentions LOC (lines of code) data; those include test code.

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r1.6 - 06 Jul 2009 - 10:59 - ClausBrod to top

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