To cut a long filename short, I lost my mind (8.1.2006)

Yesterday, I explained how easy it is to inadvertedly load the same executable twice into the same process address space - you simply run it using its short DOS-ish filename (like Sample~1.exe) instead of its original long filename (such as SampleApplication.exe). For details, please consult the original blog entry.

I mentioned that one fine day I might report how exactly this happened to us, i.e. why in the world our app was started using its short filename. Seems like today is such a fine day smile

Said application registered itself as a COM server, and it does so using the services of the ATL Registrar. Upon calling RegisterServer, the registrar will kindly create all the required registry entries for a COM server, including the LocalServer entry which contains the path and filename of the server. Internally, this will call the following code in atlbase.h:

inline HRESULT WINAPI CComModule::UpdateRegistryFromResourceS(UINT nResID, 
  BOOL bRegister, struct _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRY* pMapEntries)
   ATL::CRegObject ro;
   TCHAR szModule[_MAX_PATH];
   GetModuleFileName(_pModule->GetModuleInstance(), szModule, _MAX_PATH);

   // Convert to short path to work around bug in NT4's CreateProcess
   TCHAR szModuleShort[_MAX_PATH];
   GetShortPathName(szModule, szModuleShort, _MAX_PATH);
   LPOLESTR pszModule = T2OLE(szModuleShort);

Aha! So ATL deliberately converts the module name (something like SampleApplication.exe) into its short-name equivalent (Sample~1.exe) to work around an issue in the CreateProcess implementation of Windows NT. MSKB:179690 describes this problem: CreateProcess could not always handle blanks in pathnames correctly, and so the ATL designers had to convert the path into its short-path version which converts everything into an 8+3 filename and hence guarantees that the filename contains no blanks.

Adding insult to injury, MSKB:201318 shows that this NT-specific bug fix in ATL has a bug itself... and, of course, our problem is, in fact, caused by yet another bug in the bug fix (see earlier blog entry).

For my application, the first workaround was to use a modified version of atlbase.h which checks the OS version; if it is Windows 2000 or later, no short-path conversion takes place. Under Windows NT, however, we're caught in a pickle: Either we use the original ATL version of the registration code and thus map the executable twice into the address space, or we apply the same fix as for Windows 2000, and will suffer from the bug in CreateProcess if the application is installed in a path which has blanks in the pathname.

In my case, this was not a showstopper issue because the application is targeting Windows 2000 and XP only, so I simply left it at that.

Another approach is to use the AddReplacement and ClearReplacements APIs of the ATL registrar to set our own conversion rules for the module name and thereby override ATL's own rules for the module name:

#include <atlbase.h>
#include <statreg.h>

void RegisterServer(wchar_t *widePath, bool reg)
  ATL::CRegObject ro;
  ro.AddReplacement(L"Module", widePath);
  reg ? ro.ResourceRegister(widePath, IDR_REGISTRY, L"REGISTRY") :
        ro.ResourceUnregister(widePath, IDR_REGISTRY, L"REGISTRY");

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