Think globally, dump locally (27 Jun 2007)


These days, I spend quite some time in Microsoft's Windows Error Reporting forum, which is where David Ching, who is a Microsoft MVP, posed an interesting problem this week.

On Vista, Windows Error Reporting will create and transmit minidump files only if the WER servers request them. At least this seems to be the default behavior which both David and I have observed on Vista systems. David, however, wanted to make sure that whenever an application crashes, a minidump file is generated which the user or tester can then send directly to the developers of the application for analysis - even if Microsoft's WER servers never actually request the minidumps, which, as far as I can tell, is the default for applications which have not been explicitly registered with and mapped at Winqual.

My first idea was to force the system into queuing mode. When crash reports are queued, minidumps are always generated and stored locally, so that they can be transmitted to the error reporting server later on. Queuing is enabled by setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\ForceQueue (DWORD) to 1. (See WER Settings for documentation on this and other WER-related registry keys.) Crash report data will be stored in directories such as c:\Users\someusername\AppData\Local\temp and C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue.

That works, but it also suppresses the WER UI, which isn't ideal either. Isn't there some way to have the cake and eat it, too?

Let's see: A variation of the above approach is to disable the Internet connection before the crash occurs. You'll get the dialogs, but WER won't be able to connect to the Microsoft servers, and so it should then also queue the crash information. Alternatively, and this is something that I have tried myself a few times, you could set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\CorporateWERServer (string) to the name of some non-existing system. When a crash occurs, WER will try to contact that server, find that it's not responding, and then store all crash data locally so that it can be re-sent when the connection is later established.

Or you could go all the way and actually install such a Corporate Error Reporting server on one of your systems. Probably one of the best solutions, since this gives you direct access to minidump files within your organization.

But this blog isn't about IT, it's about hacking and coding wink Here's an idea how David's goals could be accomplished without implementing a full-blown crash handler:

And here's the demo code which demonstrate this technique:

// Demo program using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() and
// MiniDumpWriteDump().
// Claus Brod,

#include <windows.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "DbgHelp.lib")
#include <stdio.h>

static LONG WINAPI myfilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exc_ptr)
  static const char *minidumpFilename = "myminidump.mdmp";
  HANDLE hDumpFile = CreateFile(minidumpFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,

  if (hDumpFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    __try {
      exceptionInfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
      exceptionInfo.ExceptionPointers = exc_ptr;
      exceptionInfo.ClientPointers = false;

      BOOL ret = MiniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(),
        GetCurrentProcessId(), hDumpFile, MiniDumpNormal, &exceptionInfo, NULL, NULL);
      if (ret) {
        printf("Minidump information has been written to %s.\n", minidumpFilename);


static int wedding_crasher(int *pp)
  *pp = 42;
  return 42;

int main(void)

  return 0;

And finally, here's a really weird idea from Dmitry Vostokov: Resurrecting Dr. Watson on Vista wink If you're into exception handling and crash analysis, Dmitry's web site is a fantastic resource. This guy lives in an exception filter big grin

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