Speeding through the crisis (22 Apr 2009)

That darn ol' MP3 player. Five years old, but still looks cute. Stubbornly refuses to break, too, so no excuse to go out and buy a new one. Which, of course, I wouldn't do anyway these days. You know, the crisis and all - who has the guts to make investments like this now. I mean, a new player could easily cost me as much as 30 euros! wink

So I'm sticking to the old hardware, and it works great, except for one thing: It cannot set bookmarks. Sure, it remembers which file I was playing most recently, but it doesn't know where I was within that file. Without bookmarks, resuming to listen to that podcast of 40 minutes length which I started into the other day is an awkward, painstakingly slow and daunting task.

But then, those years at university studying computer science needed to finally amortize themselves anyway, and so I set out to look for a software solution!

The idea was to preprocess podcasts as follows:

  • Split podcasts into five-minute chunks. This way, I can easily resume from where I left off without a lot of hassle.
  • While I'm at it, speed up the podcast by 15%. Most podcasts have more than enough verbal fluff and uhms and pauses in them, so listening to them in their original speed is, in fact, a waste of time. Of course, I don't want all my podcasts to sound like Mickey Mouse cartoons, of course, so I need to preserve the original pitch.
  • Most of the time, I listen to technical podcasts over el-cheapo headphones in noisy environments like commuter trains, so I don't need no steenkin' 320kbps bitrates, thank you very much.
  • And the whole thing needs to run from the command line so that I can process podcasts in batches.

I found it surprisingly difficult to find the single right tool for the purpose, so after experimenting for a while, I wrote the following bash script which does the job.

#! /bin/bash
# Hacked by Claus Brod, 
#   http://www.clausbrod.de/Blog/DefinePrivatePublic20090422SpeedingThroughTheCrisis
# prepare podcast for mp3 player:
#  - speed up by 15%
#  - split into small chunks of 5 minutes each
#  - recode in low bitrate
# requires:
#  - lame
#  - soundstretch
#  - mp3splt

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
  echo Usage: $0 mp3file >&2
  exit 2

bn=`basename "$1"`

lame --priority 0 -S --decode "$1" - | \ 
  soundstretch stdin stdout -tempo=15 | \ 
  lame --priority 0 -S --vbr-new -V 9 - temp.mp3

mp3splt -q -f -t 05.00 -o "${bn}_@n" temp.mp3
rm temp.mp3

The script uses lame, soundstretch and mp3splt for the job, so you'll have to download and install those packages first. On Windows, lame.exe, soundstretch.exe and mp3splt.exe also need to be accessible through PATH.

The script is, of course, absurdly lame with all its hardcoded filenames and parameters and all, and it works for MP3 files only - but it does the job for me, and hopefully it's useful to someone out there as well. Enjoy!

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preparepodcast manage 0.6 K 22 Apr 2009 - 18:35 ClausBrod Script to prepare podcast files

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