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<!-- * Set TOPICTITLE = <nop>CoCreate Modeling: Graphics benchmark (viewbench) results --> ---++ <nop>CoCreate Modeling graphics benchmark (viewbench) results ---+++ What is <tt>viewbench</tt>? =viewbench= is a graphics benchmark for CoCreate Modeling. =viewbench= results indicate graphics performance only (dynamic viewing and redraw). Modeling operations and drawing updates will depend mostly on CPU and RAM. ---+++ Downloading and unpacking <tt>viewbench</tt> The benchmark can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.cocreate.com/sdtestpackage/viewbench. There are two download packages: One for the benchmark code (=viewbench_xxx_code.zip=), and one for the default test set (=viewbench_models.zip=). The test set file is quite large and contains <nop>CoCreate Modeling models. The model file changes rarely, so you need to download it only every once in a while. The file containing the benchmark code changes more frequently, but is very small and therefore downloads quickly. Create a directory for the benchmark somewhere on your disk - say, =c:\temp\viewbench=. Download the viewbench code file (ZIP archive) which matches the version of <nop>CoCreate Modeling which you want to test, then unpack the archive in =c:\temp\viewbench=. Now download the test set file =viewbench_models.zip= and unpack it in =c:\temp\viewbench= as well. After unpacking, you should see a subdirectory =c:\temp\viewbench\models= which contains various <nop>CoCreate Modeling model files and =*.lsp= files. ---+++ Running the benchmark * Start <nop>CoCreate Modeling * Navigate to =c:\temp\viewbench= * Enter =(load "viewbench")= in the user input line * Read the notes which are displayed in a browser window * Enter =(viewbench)= in the user input line ---+++ Submitting test results John Scheffel compiled the original list from results which users posted to the [[http://cocreateusers.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=173][US user forum]]. The old version of this table used to be at http://www.cocreateusers.org/misc/viewbench_results.html. These test results are not rigorously verified; there was no control on the setup of each PC or how the tests were run by the volunteers. The =viewbench= test results as listed in the table below can be found in a logfile which the benchmark creates while it runs; the file is called =perf_viewbench_machinename.txt= (=viewbench= v2.00 and later: =viewbench_results_machinename.txt=). To add a test result, click the "Edit" icon at the bottom of the table; now choose "Add Row". This will add a new empty row to the table which you can now fill in with your test result. After adding to the table, add the results file (=perf_viewbench_...= or =viewbench_results_...=) to this topic using the =Attach= link at the bottom of the page. ---+++ The results "Overall result" is the sum of all test steps in "milliseconds per frame" units. Lower results are better. <style type="text/css"> td { font-size:x-small; line-height:8pt; padding-left:2px; padding-right:2px; } th { font-size:x-small; line-height:9pt; } table { empty-cells:show; border-spacing:0px; } </style> %EDITTABLE{header="| *Overall result* | *Computer* | *CPU* | *RAM* | *Graphics<br>card* | *Driver* | *OS* | *Patches* | *<nop>CoCreate Modeling version* | *Contributor* | *Date* | *Viewbench version* | *Notes* | " format="| text,10, | text,23, | text,13, | text,13, | text,25, | text,10, | select,1,Windows Vista, Windows XP x64, Windows XP, Windows XP Home, Windows 2000,Windows NT 4, HP-UX 10.20, HP-UX 11, HP-UX 11i, Other (please specify in notes) | text,10, | select,1,9.01,9.01A,9.01D,,,11.0,OSDM 2002+,11.50,,11.60,11.60B,,,,11.60B,11.65,OSDM 2004,12.0,12.01,,12.01A,12.01B,12.01C,12.01D,OSDM 2005,OSDM 2006,Other (please specify in notes) | text,10, | date, 15, %SERVERTIME{$day $month $year}%,%d %b %Y | text,10, | textarea,2x20, | " changerows="on"}% %TABLE{initsort="1"}% |*Overall result*|*Computer*|*CPU*|*RAM*|*Graphics<br>card*|*Driver*|*OS*|*Patches*|*<nop>CoCreate Modeling version*|*Contributor*|*Date*|*Viewbench version*|*Notes*| | 85 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z | 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T | 1024, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1400 128 MB | 71.24 beta | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 28 Mar 2005 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 86 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 1-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 86 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z | 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T | 1024, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 8-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 88 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z | 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T | 1024, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1400 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 17-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 89 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z | 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T | 1024, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 8-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 90 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 1-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 92 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z | 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (dual) | 2048, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 10-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 92 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z | 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (uni) | 2048, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 10-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 96 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z | 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (dual) | 2048, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 10-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 96 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z | 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (uni) | 2048, PC2-3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 10-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 98 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB | 71.24 beta | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 16-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 101 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 1-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 101 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 16-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 101 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 16-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 101 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB | 71.24 beta | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 16-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 103 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z | 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) | 4096, PC3200 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 1-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 103 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation M Pro 6230-49J | 3200 MHz, P4 | 1024, PC2700 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 128 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 3-Feb-05 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 106 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation M Pro 6230-49J | 3200 MHz P4 | 1.0 GB, PC2700 | nVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 256 MB | 67.22 | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01C | Main.TWikiGuest | 28 Mar 2005 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits<br /> | | 145 | Custom built, 800MHz FSB | 2400 MHz, P4 | 1000, DDR400 | ATI Fire GLX1 256 MB | | Windows XP | SP1 | 9.01 | <nop>GiorgioL | 23 Jul 2003 | 1.66 | | | 163 | Dell Precision 650 | 2400 MHz, P4 | 2000 | ATI Fire GL X1 128 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 11.60B | Stefano | 13 May 2003 | 1.66 | | | 168 | Dell Precision 370 | 3200 MHz P4 | 1.0 GB | ATI FireGL V3100 128MB | | Windows XP | SP2 | OSDM 2005 | devcow | 01 Mar 2005 | 1.68 | | | 172 | Dell Precision 650 | 2400 MHz, P4 (dual) | 2000 | ATI Fire GL X1 128 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 11.60B | Stefano | 13 May 2003 | 1.66 | | | 177 | HP Compaq nw8000 | 1600 MHz, Centrino | 1000, DDR333 | ATI Mobility Fire GL T2 128 MB | | Windows XP | | 12.01A | Greg Gonzales | 5 Mar 2004 | 1.66 | Notebook, video resolution 1400x1050 | | 194 | HP/Compaq d530 | 2600 MHz, P4 | 512, PC2700 | PNY NVIDIA Quadro FX500, 128 MB DDR (upgraded) | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01D | John Scheffel | 26 Aug 2004 | 1.68 | 1280x1024 @ 85 Hz | | 195 | Dell 670 | 2800 MHz, Xeon | 1000 | nVidia FX3400 | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01D | May Kung | 11 Aug 2004 | 1.68 | | | 196 | Dell Precision 530 | 2200 MHz, Xeon | 1000, PC800 | 3Dlabs Wildcat III 6110 | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | May Kung | 16 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 197 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation E Pro 6214-33U | 2000 MHz, P4 | 1.5 GB | Quadro4 550 XGL | 52.16 | Windows 2000 | | OSDM 2004 | Claus Brod | 15 Nov 2004 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024, color depth 32 bits | | 206 | HP/Compaq NC8000 | 1600 MHz, P4 | 1000 MB | ATI Radeon 9000 64 MB DDR | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01D | John Scheffel | 17 Sep 2004 | 1.68 | Driver has mouse tracking problems. Z-buffer=16 fixes this, but score is then 765. | | 207 | Dell Precision 650 | 2800 MHz, P4 | 1000 | 3Dlabs Wildcat4 7110 | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | May Kung | 25 Mar 2003 | 1.66 | | | 211 | Dell PWS360 | 3000 MHz, P4 | 2000 | Quadro-4 NVS AGP 8X, 64 MB | | Windows XP | | 12.01 | John Struthers | 11 Aug 2004 | 1.68 | | | 214 | HP/Compaq d530 | 2600 MHz, P4 | 512, PC2700 | PNY NVIDIA Quadro FX500 128 MB DDR | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01D | John Scheffel | 26 Aug 2004 | 1.68 | 1280x1024 @ 75Hz, upgraded card | | 222 | IBM <nop>NetVista 8307-61U | 2530 MHz, P4 | 768 | NVIDIA/PNY Quadro4 550 XGL | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | 11.65 | jmobley | 31 Jul 2003 | 1.66 | | | 224 | Dell Precision 450 | 2400 MHz, Xeon | 1000, DDR266 | Nvidia Quadro4 900 XGL 128 MB | 43.45 | Windows 2000 | SP3 | | gmatelich | 26 Apr 2003 | 1.66 | | | 225 | IBM <nop>ThinkPad R50p | 1600 MHz, Centrino | 512 MB | ATI Mobility <nop>FireGL T2 | 7.983 | Windows XP | SP1 | OSDM 2004 | Claus Brod | 18 Dec 2004 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1600x1024, color depth 32 bits | | 228 | P4 2.53 GHz | 2530 MHz, P4 | 512 | ATI 9700 Pro | | Windows XP | | 11.60B | John van Doorn | 3 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 231 | Compaq Evo N800w | 2200 MHz, P4 Mobile | 512 | ATI Mobility <nop>FireGL 9000 64 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | <nop>WuFan | 17 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | notebook @ 800x600 | | 239 | HP XW8000 | 3000 MHz, Xeon | 2000 | NVIDIA Quadro4 980 XGL 128 MB | | Windows XP | SP1 | 12.01C | andrea | 24 May 2004 | 1.66 | | | 244 | HP X4000 | 2000 MHz, Xeon | 1000 | ATI <nop>FireGL 2 64 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | 11.60 | jmobley | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 244 | HP X2100 | 2400 MHz, P4 | 1000 | Nvidia Quadro 2 | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 9.01 | stefano_ME30 | 23 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 247 | IBM Intellistation M Pro | 2000 MHz, P4 | 512 | Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL 64MB | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | 9.01 | jmobley | 4 Feb 2003 | 1.66 | | | 250 | HP Pavillion zd7010 notebook | 2666 MHz, P4 Mobile | 512 | NVIDIA <nop>GeForce4 448 Go 64 MB | | Windows XP Home | SP1 | | John Scheffel | 21 Dec 2003 | 1.66 | 17", 1440x900 | | 251 | HP X2100 | 2400 MHz, P4 | 1000 | Nvidia Quadro 2 | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 9.01 | stefano_ME30 | 20 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 256 | Dell Inspiron 8600 notebook | 1700 MHz, Centrino | 512, DDR333 | ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 Pro 128 MB | | Windows XP Home | | 12.01A | John Struthers | 6 Dec 2003 | 1.66 | | | 258 | IBM <nop>IntelliStation E Pro 6214-33U | 2000 MHz, P4 | 1.5 GB | Quadro4 550 XGL | 52.16 | Windows 2000 | | OSDM 2004 | Claus Brod | 15 Nov 2004 | 1.68 | Vertical sync on, 1280x1024, color depth 32 bits | | 264 | HP X1100 | 2200 MHz, P4 | 1000 | Nvidia Quadro 2 | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 9.01 | stefano_ME30 | 20 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 272 | Dell Precision 450 | 2400 MHz, Xeon | 1000, DDR266 | Nvidia Quadro4 900 XGL 128 MB | 28.32 | Windows 2000 | SP3 | | gmatelich | 26 Apr 2003 | 1.66 | | | 273 | HP xw5000 | 2700 MHz, P4 | 2000 | NVIDIA Quadro4 980 XGL, 128 MB | | Windows XP | | 11.65 | matty_vine | 6 Jun 2003 | 1.66 | | | 283 | Dell Inspiron 8500 notebook | 2400 MHz, P4 | 512 | NVIDIA <nop>GeForce4 4200 Go, 64 MB | | Windows XP | | 9.01 | djg0474 | 31 Jul 2003 | 1.66 | | | 287 | Dell Mobile Precision M50 notebook | 1800 MHz, P4 Mobile | 512, DDR | Quadro4 500 Go | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | fteixeira | 16 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 303 | Compaq EVO D51M | 2400 MHz P4 | 1.3 GB | Nvidia Gladiac 511 64MB | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01D | Ching-Ying Yeap | 24 Feb 2005 | 1.68 | | | 308 | Custom built | 1400 MHz, Xeon | 384 | Nvidia Quadro 2 Pro | | Windows 2000 | | | fabrizio | 14 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 309 | IBM <nop>ThinkPad R50p | 1600 MHz, Centrino | 512 MB | ATI Mobility <nop>FireGL T2 | 7.983 | Windows XP | SP1 | OSDM 2004 | Claus Brod | 18 Dec 2004 | 1.68 | Vertical sync on, 1600x1024, color depth 32 bits | | 344 | HP/Compaq d530 | 2600 MHz, P4 | 512, PC2700 | Intel Extreme 2 Integrated | | Windows 2000 | | 12.01 | Greg Gonzales | 7 Apr 2004 | 1.66 | def. z-buffer, graphics issues | | 354 | Compaq EVO D51M | 2400 MHz P4 | 1.3 GB | Radeon 9550 AGP 256MB | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01D | Ching-Ying Yeap | 22 Feb 2005 | 1.68 | score at 1043 without graphics acceleration | | 384 | HP Vectra VL 400 MT | 860 MHz, PIII | 512 | Elsa Erazor X<sup>2</sup> | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | 9.01 | jmobley | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 390 | Custom built | 870 MHz, PIII | 512 | Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL, 64 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | 9.01 | jmobley | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 404 | Azura PC | 933 MHz, PIII | 512 | Elsa Erazor X<sup>2, </sup> 32 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | | Michel Gendron | 20 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 406 | Custom | 1000 MHz, PIII (dual) | 1000, PC133 | Quadro DCC, 64 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 12.01C | robban | 25 May 2004 | ??? | | | 409 | HP X2100 | 2200 MHz, P4 | 1000 | Nvidia Quadro 2 | | Windows 2000 | | 11.60B | pkehoe | 3 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 427 | Custom built | 1700 MHz, P4 | 512, PC100 | Nvidia <nop>GeForce3 64 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | | gmatelich | 26 Apr 2003 | 1.66 | | | 436 | IBM <nop>ThinkPad A31p | 1700 MHz, P4 | 1 GB | ATI Mobility <nop>FireGL 7800 | 8.051 | Windows 2000 | | OSDM 2004 | Claus Brod | 05 Dec 2004 | 1.68 | Vertical sync on, 1600x1024, color depth 32 bits | | 438 | Custom built | 650 MHz, PIII | 512 | Nvidia Quadro2 MXR 32 MB | | Windows NT 4 | SP6 | 9.01 | jmobley | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 442 | Custom built | 650 MHz, PIII | 512 | Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL 64 MB | | Windows NT 4 | SP5 | 9.01 | jmobley | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 446 | HP Kayak XU 800 | 800 MHz, PIII | 512, RDRAM | Nvidia <nop>GeForce 4 MX440 64 MB DDR | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | John Schefffel | 7 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 451 | HP Visualize X-Class | 700 MHz, PIII (dual) | 1000 | Visualize fx6 | | Windows NT 4 | SP5 | 9.01 | Greg Gonzales | 22 Jul 2003 | 1.66 | | | 455 | Intel PIII 700 Mhz | 700 MHz, PIII | 512 | ATI <nop>FireGL 8700 64 MB | | Windows NT 4 | SP6 | 9.01 | jmobley | 4 Feb 2003 | 1.66 | | | 457 | Custom built | 600 MHz, PIII | 512 | Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL | | Windows NT 4 | SP6 | 9.01 | jmobley | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 471 | HP Visualize X-Class | 833 MHz, PIII (dual) | 2000 | Visualize fx10 | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01A | John Struthers | 6 Dec 2003 | 1.66 | | | 471 | HP Visualize P-Class | 866 MHz, PIII | 512 | Visualize fx5 64 MB | | Windows 2000 | | 12.01 | Mike Boswell | 8 Mar 2004 | 1.66 | | | 487 | HP J5000 | 440 MHz, PA8500(dual) | 2000 | Visualize fx6 | | HP-UX 10.20 | | 9.01 | stefano_ME30 | 23 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 526 | HP Visualize X550 | 550 MHz, PIII | 768, PC100 | Visualize fx4+ | | Windows NT 4 | SP6 | | John Struthers | 16 Dec 2002 | 1.65 | | | 545 | Compaq nc6000 notebook | 1400 MHz, Centrino | 512 | ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 32 MB | | Windows 2000 | | 12.01A | Greg Gonzales | 25 Feb 2004 | 1.66 | 1024x768 | | 565 | HP Visualize X550 | 550 MHz, PIII | 512, PC100 | Visualize fx4+ | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | | John Scheffel | 13 Dec 2002 | 1.65 | | | 568 | HP Kayak XU | 500 MHz, PIII | 512 | Nvidia <nop>GeForce 2 TI200 | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 9.01 | stefano_ME30 | 23 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 593 | HP C3000 | 400 MHz, PA8500 | 1000 | Visualize fx6 | | HP-UX 11i | | 11.60 | pkehoe | 4 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 606 | Dell Precision 410 MT | 900 MHz, PIII | 768 | Nvidia <nop>GeForce2 GTS/Pro 32 MB | | Windows 2000 | SP3 | 11.50 | gmatelich | 28 Apr 2003 | 1.66 | | | 629 | ACER Veriton 7200D | 1700 Mhz, P4 | 384 MB | Radeon VE ATI RV 100 32MB | 6.13.3276 | Windows XP | SP1 | 12.01D | Mehmet Akyar | 26 Dec 2004 | 1.68 | 1024x768 | | 788 | HP/Compaq d530 | 2600 MHz, P4 | 512, PC2700 | Intel Extreme 2 Integrated | | Windows 2000 | | 12.01D | John Scheffel | 18 Aug 2004 | 1.68 | set 16-bit z-buffer to fix problem | | 809 | SGI-320_ARCx86 | 500MHz, PIII | 1000 | SGI Cobalt | | Windows NT 4 | SP5 | 9.01D | May Kung | 20 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 918 | HP J5000 | 440 MHz, PA8500(dual) | 1000 | Visualize fx2 | | HP-UX 10.20 | | 9.01 | stefano_ME30 | 23 Dec 2002 | 1.66 | | | 1885 | HP Omnibook 6000 | 700 MHz, PIII | 256, PC100 | ATI Rage Mobility-M AGP 8MB | | Windows 2000 | SP4 | 12.01A | John Struthers | 6 Dec 2003 | 1.66 | | | 1939 | HP Omnibook 6000 | 700 MHz, PIII | 256, PC100 | ATI Rage Mobility | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | John Scheffel | 13 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | PIXEL_FORMAT=SOFTWARE | | 115 | Dell Precision PWS670 | dual Xeon 3000 Mhz | 2000 | Nvidia Quadro FX 3450 | | Other (please specify in notes) | SP2 | Other (please specify in notes) | Stefan Freitag | 30 Jun 2006 | 2.32 | OSDM 2006 (v14.0A)<br />1280x1024 v-sync off<br />Windows XP 64bit | | 2287 | HP Omnibook 6000 | 700 MHz, PIII | 256, PC100 | ATI Rage Mobility | | Windows 2000 | SP2 | | John Scheffel | 13 Jan 2003 | 1.66 | | | 70 | HP XW8400 | 2 GHz, Xeon | 3GB, 667 | NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 265 MB | 84.80 | Windows XP | SP2 | 12.01D | Kristiaan Flierman | 28 Nov 2006 | 1.68 | Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 74 | HP XW8400 | 2 GHz, Xeon | 3GB, 667 | NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 265 MB | 84.80 | Windows XP | SP2 | Other (please specify in notes) | Kristiaan Flierman | 28 Nov 2006 | 2.33 | OSDM 14.50.Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits | | 186.82 | Dell Precision M6300 | 2.8 GHz, X9000 | 3GB | NVIDIA Quadro FX 3600M 512 MB | | Windows XP | SP3 | Other (please specify in notes) | GregMatelich | 07 May 2008 | 2.33 | OSDM 15.5A | --- %COMMENT{type="below" nonotify="on"}% (Do not add comments while editing the table above. To add test results, use the "Edit" button in the table. This comment box is only for _discussing_ the page or results.)
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