CoCreate Modeling graphics benchmark (viewbench) results

What is viewbench?

viewbench is a graphics benchmark for CoCreate Modeling. viewbench results indicate graphics performance only (dynamic viewing and redraw). Modeling operations and drawing updates will depend mostly on CPU and RAM.

Downloading and unpacking viewbench

The benchmark can be downloaded from There are two download packages: One for the benchmark code (, and one for the default test set ( The test set file is quite large and contains CoCreate Modeling models. The model file changes rarely, so you need to download it only every once in a while. The file containing the benchmark code changes more frequently, but is very small and therefore downloads quickly.

Create a directory for the benchmark somewhere on your disk - say, c:\temp\viewbench. Download the viewbench code file (ZIP archive) which matches the version of CoCreate Modeling which you want to test, then unpack the archive in c:\temp\viewbench. Now download the test set file and unpack it in c:\temp\viewbench as well. After unpacking, you should see a subdirectory c:\temp\viewbench\models which contains various CoCreate Modeling model files and *.lsp files.

Running the benchmark

  • Start CoCreate Modeling
  • Navigate to c:\temp\viewbench
  • Enter (load "viewbench") in the user input line
  • Read the notes which are displayed in a browser window
  • Enter (viewbench) in the user input line

Submitting test results

John Scheffel compiled the original list from results which users posted to the US user forum. The old version of this table used to be at These test results are not rigorously verified; there was no control on the setup of each PC or how the tests were run by the volunteers.

The viewbench test results as listed in the table below can be found in a logfile which the benchmark creates while it runs; the file is called perf_viewbench_machinename.txt (viewbench v2.00 and later: viewbench_results_machinename.txt).

To add a test result, click the "Edit" icon at the bottom of the table; now choose "Add Row". This will add a new empty row to the table which you can now fill in with your test result. After adding to the table, add the results file (perf_viewbench_... or viewbench_results_...) to this topic using the Attach link at the bottom of the page.

The results

"Overall result" is the sum of all test steps in "milliseconds per frame" units. Lower results are better.

Overall result Computer CPU RAM Graphics
Driver OS down Patches CoCreate Modeling version Contributor Date Viewbench version Notes
487 HP J5000 440 MHz, PA8500(dual) 2000 Visualize fx6   HP-UX 10.20   9.01 stefano_ME30 23 Dec 2002 1.66  
918 HP J5000 440 MHz, PA8500(dual) 1000 Visualize fx2   HP-UX 10.20   9.01 stefano_ME30 23 Dec 2002 1.66  
593 HP C3000 400 MHz, PA8500 1000 Visualize fx6   HP-UX 11i   11.60 pkehoe 4 Jan 2003 1.66  
115 Dell Precision PWS670 dual Xeon 3000 Mhz 2000 Nvidia Quadro FX 3450   Other (please specify in notes) SP2 Other (please specify in notes) Stefan Freitag 30 Jun 2006 2.32 OSDM 2006 (v14.0A)
1280x1024 v-sync off
Windows XP 64bit
85 IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T 1024, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1400 128 MB 71.24 beta Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 28 Mar 2005 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
86 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 1-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
86 IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T 1024, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 8-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
88 IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T 1024, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1400 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 17-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
89 IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6225-23Z 3600 MHz, P4 EM64T 1024, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 8-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
90 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 1-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
92 IBM IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (dual) 2048, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 10-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
92 IBM IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (uni) 2048, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 10-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
96 IBM IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (dual) 2048, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 10-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
96 IBM IntelliStation Z Pro 6223-29Z 3400 MHz, Xeon EM64T (uni) 2048, PC2-3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 10-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
98 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB 71.24 beta Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 16-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
101 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 1-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
101 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (dual) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 16-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
101 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 16-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
101 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 256 MB 71.24 beta Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 16-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
103 IBM IntelliStation A Pro 6224-39Z 2200 MHz, Opteron (uni) 4096, PC3200 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 1-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
103 IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6230-49J 3200 MHz, P4 1024, PC2700 nVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 128 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 3-Feb-05 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
106 IBM IntelliStation M Pro 6230-49J 3200 MHz P4 1.0 GB, PC2700 nVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 256 MB 67.22 Windows 2000 SP4 12.01C TWikiGuest 28 Mar 2005 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
163 Dell Precision 650 2400 MHz, P4 2000 ATI Fire GL X1 128 MB   Windows 2000 SP3 11.60B Stefano 13 May 2003 1.66  
172 Dell Precision 650 2400 MHz, P4 (dual) 2000 ATI Fire GL X1 128 MB   Windows 2000 SP3 11.60B Stefano 13 May 2003 1.66  
194 HP/Compaq d530 2600 MHz, P4 512, PC2700 PNY NVIDIA Quadro FX500, 128 MB DDR (upgraded)   Windows 2000 SP4 12.01D John Scheffel 26 Aug 2004 1.68 1280x1024 @ 85 Hz
195 Dell 670 2800 MHz, Xeon 1000 nVidia FX3400   Windows 2000 SP4 12.01D May Kung 11 Aug 2004 1.68  
196 Dell Precision 530 2200 MHz, Xeon 1000, PC800 3Dlabs Wildcat III 6110   Windows 2000 SP2 May Kung 16 Dec 2002 1.66  
197 IBM IntelliStation E Pro 6214-33U 2000 MHz, P4 1.5 GB Quadro4 550 XGL 52.16 Windows 2000   OSDM 2004 Claus Brod 15 Nov 2004 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024, color depth 32 bits
206 HP/Compaq NC8000 1600 MHz, P4 1000 MB ATI Radeon 9000 64 MB DDR   Windows 2000 SP4 12.01D John Scheffel 17 Sep 2004 1.68 Driver has mouse tracking problems. Z-buffer=16 fixes this, but score is then 765.
207 Dell Precision 650 2800 MHz, P4 1000 3Dlabs Wildcat4 7110   Windows 2000 SP2 May Kung 25 Mar 2003 1.66  
214 HP/Compaq d530 2600 MHz, P4 512, PC2700 PNY NVIDIA Quadro FX500 128 MB DDR   Windows 2000 SP4 12.01D John Scheffel 26 Aug 2004 1.68 1280x1024 @ 75Hz, upgraded card
222 IBM NetVista 8307-61U 2530 MHz, P4 768 NVIDIA/PNY Quadro4 550 XGL   Windows 2000 SP2 11.65 jmobley 31 Jul 2003 1.66  
224 Dell Precision 450 2400 MHz, Xeon 1000, DDR266 Nvidia Quadro4 900 XGL 128 MB 43.45 Windows 2000 SP3 gmatelich 26 Apr 2003 1.66  
231 Compaq Evo N800w 2200 MHz, P4 Mobile 512 ATI Mobility FireGL 9000 64 MB   Windows 2000 SP2 WuFan 17 Dec 2002 1.66 notebook @ 800x600
244 HP X4000 2000 MHz, Xeon 1000 ATI FireGL 2 64 MB   Windows 2000 SP2 11.60 jmobley 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
244 HP X2100 2400 MHz, P4 1000 Nvidia Quadro 2   Windows 2000 SP3 9.01 stefano_ME30 23 Dec 2002 1.66  
247 IBM Intellistation M Pro 2000 MHz, P4 512 Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL 64MB   Windows 2000 SP2 9.01 jmobley 4 Feb 2003 1.66  
251 HP X2100 2400 MHz, P4 1000 Nvidia Quadro 2   Windows 2000 SP3 9.01 stefano_ME30 20 Dec 2002 1.66  
258 IBM IntelliStation E Pro 6214-33U 2000 MHz, P4 1.5 GB Quadro4 550 XGL 52.16 Windows 2000   OSDM 2004 Claus Brod 15 Nov 2004 1.68 Vertical sync on, 1280x1024, color depth 32 bits
264 HP X1100 2200 MHz, P4 1000 Nvidia Quadro 2   Windows 2000 SP3 9.01 stefano_ME30 20 Dec 2002 1.66  
272 Dell Precision 450 2400 MHz, Xeon 1000, DDR266 Nvidia Quadro4 900 XGL 128 MB 28.32 Windows 2000 SP3 gmatelich 26 Apr 2003 1.66  
287 Dell Mobile Precision M50 notebook 1800 MHz, P4 Mobile 512, DDR Quadro4 500 Go   Windows 2000 SP2 fteixeira 16 Dec 2002 1.66  
303 Compaq EVO D51M 2400 MHz P4 1.3 GB Nvidia Gladiac 511 64MB Windows 2000 SP4 12.01D Ching-Ying Yeap 24 Feb 2005 1.68  
308 Custom built 1400 MHz, Xeon 384 Nvidia Quadro 2 Pro   Windows 2000 fabrizio 14 Jan 2003 1.66  
344 HP/Compaq d530 2600 MHz, P4 512, PC2700 Intel Extreme 2 Integrated   Windows 2000   12.01 Greg Gonzales 7 Apr 2004 1.66 def. z-buffer, graphics issues
354 Compaq EVO D51M 2400 MHz P4 1.3 GB Radeon 9550 AGP 256MB Windows 2000 SP4 12.01D Ching-Ying Yeap 22 Feb 2005 1.68 score at 1043 without graphics acceleration
384 HP Vectra VL 400 MT 860 MHz, PIII 512 Elsa Erazor X2   Windows 2000 SP2 9.01 jmobley 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
390 Custom built 870 MHz, PIII 512 Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL, 64 MB   Windows 2000 SP2 9.01 jmobley 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
404 Azura PC 933 MHz, PIII 512 Elsa Erazor X2, 32 MB   Windows 2000 SP3 Michel Gendron 20 Dec 2002 1.66  
406 Custom 1000 MHz, PIII (dual) 1000, PC133 Quadro DCC, 64 MB   Windows 2000 SP3 12.01C robban 25 May 2004 ???  
409 HP X2100 2200 MHz, P4 1000 Nvidia Quadro 2   Windows 2000   11.60B pkehoe 3 Jan 2003 1.66  
427 Custom built 1700 MHz, P4 512, PC100 Nvidia GeForce3 64 MB   Windows 2000 SP3 gmatelich 26 Apr 2003 1.66  
436 IBM ThinkPad A31p 1700 MHz, P4 1 GB ATI Mobility FireGL 7800 8.051 Windows 2000   OSDM 2004 Claus Brod 05 Dec 2004 1.68 Vertical sync on, 1600x1024, color depth 32 bits
446 HP Kayak XU 800 800 MHz, PIII 512, RDRAM Nvidia GeForce 4 MX440 64 MB DDR   Windows 2000 SP2 John Schefffel 7 Jan 2003 1.66  
471 HP Visualize X-Class 833 MHz, PIII (dual) 2000 Visualize fx10   Windows 2000 SP4 12.01A John Struthers 6 Dec 2003 1.66  
471 HP Visualize P-Class 866 MHz, PIII 512 Visualize fx5 64 MB   Windows 2000   12.01 Mike Boswell 8 Mar 2004 1.66  
545 Compaq nc6000 notebook 1400 MHz, Centrino 512 ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 32 MB   Windows 2000   12.01A Greg Gonzales 25 Feb 2004 1.66 1024x768
565 HP Visualize X550 550 MHz, PIII 512, PC100 Visualize fx4+   Windows 2000 SP3 John Scheffel 13 Dec 2002 1.65  
568 HP Kayak XU 500 MHz, PIII 512 Nvidia GeForce 2 TI200   Windows 2000 SP3 9.01 stefano_ME30 23 Dec 2002 1.66  
606 Dell Precision 410 MT 900 MHz, PIII 768 Nvidia GeForce2 GTS/Pro 32 MB   Windows 2000 SP3 11.50 gmatelich 28 Apr 2003 1.66  
788 HP/Compaq d530 2600 MHz, P4 512, PC2700 Intel Extreme 2 Integrated   Windows 2000   12.01D John Scheffel 18 Aug 2004 1.68 set 16-bit z-buffer to fix problem
1885 HP Omnibook 6000 700 MHz, PIII 256, PC100 ATI Rage Mobility-M AGP 8MB   Windows 2000 SP4 12.01A John Struthers 6 Dec 2003 1.66  
1939 HP Omnibook 6000 700 MHz, PIII 256, PC100 ATI Rage Mobility   Windows 2000 SP2 John Scheffel 13 Jan 2003 1.66 PIXEL_FORMAT=SOFTWARE
2287 HP Omnibook 6000 700 MHz, PIII 256, PC100 ATI Rage Mobility   Windows 2000 SP2 John Scheffel 13 Jan 2003 1.66  
438 Custom built 650 MHz, PIII 512 Nvidia Quadro2 MXR 32 MB   Windows NT 4 SP6 9.01 jmobley 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
442 Custom built 650 MHz, PIII 512 Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL 64 MB   Windows NT 4 SP5 9.01 jmobley 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
451 HP Visualize X-Class 700 MHz, PIII (dual) 1000 Visualize fx6   Windows NT 4 SP5 9.01 Greg Gonzales 22 Jul 2003 1.66  
455 Intel PIII 700 Mhz 700 MHz, PIII 512 ATI FireGL 8700 64 MB   Windows NT 4 SP6 9.01 jmobley 4 Feb 2003 1.66  
457 Custom built 600 MHz, PIII 512 Nvidia Quadro4 550 XGL   Windows NT 4 SP6 9.01 jmobley 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
526 HP Visualize X550 550 MHz, PIII 768, PC100 Visualize fx4+   Windows NT 4 SP6 John Struthers 16 Dec 2002 1.65  
809 SGI-320_ARCx86 500MHz, PIII 1000 SGI Cobalt   Windows NT 4 SP5 9.01D May Kung 20 Jan 2003 1.66  
145 Custom built, 800MHz FSB 2400 MHz, P4 1000, DDR400 ATI Fire GLX1 256 MB   Windows XP SP1 9.01 GiorgioL 23 Jul 2003 1.66  
168 Dell Precision 370 3200 MHz P4 1.0 GB ATI FireGL? V3100 128MB   Windows XP SP2 OSDM 2005 devcow 01 Mar 2005 1.68  
177 HP Compaq nw8000 1600 MHz, Centrino 1000, DDR333 ATI Mobility Fire GL T2 128 MB   Windows XP   12.01A Greg Gonzales 5 Mar 2004 1.66 Notebook, video resolution 1400x1050
211 Dell PWS360 3000 MHz, P4 2000 Quadro-4 NVS AGP 8X, 64 MB   Windows XP   12.01 John Struthers 11 Aug 2004 1.68  
225 IBM ThinkPad R50p 1600 MHz, Centrino 512 MB ATI Mobility FireGL T2 7.983 Windows XP SP1 OSDM 2004 Claus Brod 18 Dec 2004 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1600x1024, color depth 32 bits
228 P4 2.53 GHz 2530 MHz, P4 512 ATI 9700 Pro   Windows XP   11.60B John van Doorn 3 Jan 2003 1.66  
239 HP XW8000 3000 MHz, Xeon 2000 NVIDIA Quadro4 980 XGL 128 MB   Windows XP SP1 12.01C andrea 24 May 2004 1.66  
273 HP xw5000 2700 MHz, P4 2000 NVIDIA Quadro4 980 XGL, 128 MB   Windows XP   11.65 matty_vine 6 Jun 2003 1.66  
283 Dell Inspiron 8500 notebook 2400 MHz, P4 512 NVIDIA GeForce4 4200 Go, 64 MB   Windows XP   9.01 djg0474 31 Jul 2003 1.66  
309 IBM ThinkPad R50p 1600 MHz, Centrino 512 MB ATI Mobility FireGL T2 7.983 Windows XP SP1 OSDM 2004 Claus Brod 18 Dec 2004 1.68 Vertical sync on, 1600x1024, color depth 32 bits
629 ACER Veriton 7200D 1700 Mhz, P4 384 MB Radeon VE ATI RV 100 32MB 6.13.3276 Windows XP SP1 12.01D Mehmet Akyar 26 Dec 2004 1.68 1024x768
70 HP XW8400 2 GHz, Xeon 3GB, 667 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 265 MB 84.80 Windows XP SP2 12.01D Kristiaan Flierman 28 Nov 2006 1.68 Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
74 HP XW8400 2 GHz, Xeon 3GB, 667 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 265 MB 84.80 Windows XP SP2 Other (please specify in notes) Kristiaan Flierman 28 Nov 2006 2.33 OSDM 14.50.Vertical sync off, 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, color depth 32 bits
186.82 Dell Precision M6300 2.8 GHz, X9000 3GB NVIDIA Quadro FX 3600M 512 MB Windows XP SP3 Other (please specify in notes) GregMatelich? 07 May 2008 2.33 OSDM 15.5A
250 HP Pavillion zd7010 notebook 2666 MHz, P4 Mobile 512 NVIDIA GeForce4 448 Go 64 MB   Windows XP Home SP1 John Scheffel 21 Dec 2003 1.66 17", 1440x900
256 Dell Inspiron 8600 notebook 1700 MHz, Centrino 512, DDR333 ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 Pro 128 MB   Windows XP Home   12.01A John Struthers 6 Dec 2003 1.66  

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